You’re Havana laugh: Revolutionary Che Guevara
The final front ear: Straight out of Star Trek, the Rex generation/Your fez looks familiar: A bewhiskered Tommy Cooper
Off the wall: Small, yappy, pale faced – it can only be Wacko Jacko

A British bulldog: Winston Churchill/Nice! My name-a Borat, my swimsuit-a sexy
Audrey Hep-purrn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s: Eight out of ten cats prefer it
Fur coat? A Jedi craves not these things
A dog’s life: I feel a right Charlie Chaplin, but pugnacious Chairman Mao fails to see the joke
True Grit: John Wayne, aka Rooster Cogburn, aka Patch
es fehlt nur noch meine kleine Süße mit dem
‚Bikini von Katy Perry‘